Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth.I Cor.10:24
Paul’s attitude and admonition expressed in this verse is the polar opposite of what most of us normally do. Our natural tendency is to take care of ourselves first. If we are satisfied, safe and prosperous then we can begin to think about what others need. However, this verse goes a step farther than just helping with other’s needs. We are commended to seek to increase the wealth of others. Such action is contrary to all human tendencies. That is why it is only through coming to grips with the reality that this is exactly what our Savior, Jesus Christ, did for each of us. Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.Jesus did not seek his own wealth but ours. Praise God! We then can and should have this same attitude toward those around us. Especially toward our Christian brethren, pastors, and missionaries. We praise God that he has blessed us with many churches and pastors that have this attitude toward us and the ministry here in Japan. We know the Lord blesses and supplies when churches and individuals sacrifice time, money, and love to supply the ministry both at home and on the foreign fields. Let us check our heart attitude in this area and seek to be obedient to this great and blessed truth.
Health Update: Ken had his first follow up check-up at the hospital and his PSA number had gone down clear to 0.01% Praise God. That means that they are 99% positive they got all cancer because it was contained in the prostate organ. The next check will be mid-December which will include an upper-body CT scan so they can also check the kidneys, still in place kidney stones and the lungs including checking to see if the ‘spot’ went away. We rest in God in all these things but are thankful for thorough care at the hospital as well. Ken’s strength is returning week by week rather than day by day. But with an over 7 hr long surgery and 17-day hospital stay, this is to be expected. He is back to his full teaching schedule in the schools as well as here at home and church.
Unexpected Aquaintances: Recently, our daughter exhorted us to be encouraged in our work no matter the numbers, the local challenges, and the time factors involved. That people have come and gone and we have reached some of those. That we have tried to show forth Christ in many different ways, in and out of Teshio. One evidence of that type of incident came to our door this month. A man and woman were in our entryway and asked us if we remembered them…don’t you just love that when someone does that!! On top of that, we asked them to pull down their masks a moment so we could see. That still didn’t help us really at all. To make a long story short…Ken had met the man at another work where Ken was filling in, many years ago in our first term!! The man-made a profession somewhere in that time. Vicki was at a rest stop 5 years ago when two women started to talk to her and ended up following Vicki home, spending the night and listening to counseling they needed! (Both were Christians). This man and woman (in their late 50s) met while camping this last year and while they visited shared that they were Christians and started comparing notes. Our name came up with the woman and the man said, wait, did you say the Mansells? I know them! –This couple lives about an hour and a half away from here. They showed up because they both knew us, are now getting together, and were amazed we are still here!! They joined us for a church service after this meeting and we may see them again. Be a shining light where ever you are. In this crazy covid world, don’t be afraid, still, to be aware of others around you – you might be able to just fill a need they have.
Prayer Requests:
- Ken’s continued healing
- Wisdom for choices in what we can and can’t do for the special Christmas program
- Preparation for that program and a special opportunity Vicki will have Dec. 3rd at a local café
- People’s hearts to be open to the Gospel and for opportunities still due to Covid. No cases in our town.
- The salvation of believers’ husbands and families