God created so many flowers and fish in this wonderful world! Well we have been able to see so many right here in the desert or in our kids’ yard. Hope you can enjoy them as much as we do!

Have you ever seen an owl in the wild? We got to watch some siblings grow up in the trees near our son’s house a couple weeks ago. I only got to go get photos once but it was so amazing. God’s creation of a head that almost swivels clear around helps them keep track of everything below no matter which direction they need to turn. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could ‘see’ Satan sneaking up on us to distract and destroy! Thankful that God gives us wisdom still in how to fight him.

It’s been a blessing to be with Michael and Lauren Mansell. Their home
has been our home and we have been blessed!! We even have been able to be a part of a couple of Michael’s live business recordings.
Hope you have been well during this challenging time. Rejoice in who you are and in what has been learned during this time. God bless us Every One!
I praise God.
Kenneth and Vicki were fine and relieved.
Hokkaido is full of flowers and has reached a season like early summer.
Kei participates in our homeworship on the Internet.
We are looking forward to praying together in Hokkaido after the virus infection is over.